Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Loretta Lynn's Ranch

A replica of the Kentucky house she and her seven brothers and sisters (including Crystal Gayle) group up in. This is located on her property in Hurricane Mills TN.

The main house. Several scenes from Coal Miner's Daughter were shot here. No picture taking was allowed inside.

A Tennessee walking stick liked the car. This is one of several large insects to join our journey this year. I'd guess it was about eight inches long. We stayed in a cabin on her property up on a hill in the woods. No internet. One TV channel. No one else around in our little neighbor. It was great ... if you weren't bothered by the roar of insects and animals throughout the night and the glass paneled door that was the only protection you had from bears and whatever and whoever else might be out there waiting to pounce. Me? I slept like a fly in a spider's web. Well ... not quite that soundly.

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