Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Biloxi beach bumming

Shell collecting 101: First make sure shell is empty.

I put a nice little spiral shell in my pocket. Ten minutes later -- oops! There was a hermit crab in that shell. He's back in the water ... although there were lots of crab eating birds about.

I took a video of the little guy, but was unable to upload it to Blogger after several long attempts.

Then there was what I think was a Great Blue Heron ... a real shaggy old guy -- three feet, maybe more, high. The video wouldn't work with him either.

Lastly there were some birds on the beach that reminded me a little of puffins. I'll try to I.D. them later, but this has been too long in the making already. Anyone know what these birds are?

A bit iffy weather for tomorrow. We plan to go to Dauphin Island and then take the ferry to Fort Morgan. We'll see.

I said the heron was maybe three feet tall. After googling them, I'm guessing he would be about four feet tall with his neck extended. And possibly more.


  1. Did the hermit crab bite you? Yikes!

    The birds look like a mix of sandpipers and crows?
    Ha ha! what do I know about birds?

  2. I think that's a king fisher, but I'm not sure.
