Thursday, September 8, 2011

You can't get there from here!

Remarkable day. Road after road closed. Something like 200 in the area. We kept being forced towards the Susquehanna River -- which was swollen with water and carrying more than the Amazon, Nile, and Mississippi put together. Every road dead ended with flood waters. With the river on our left, we were forced to turn around one last time ... BUT suddenly there were cones blocking the road we had just taken. Mud slide. Trees blocking that road. No way out!

There was one tiny, nearly hidden by bushes, farm road. It eventually got us to freedom, but even then not after several more closures.

Three and a half hours to get to Gettysburg. It should have taken about one hour.

These photos are of downtown Lancaster, PA.


  1. Seriously about the flood volume?

  2. Nope. It's not like me to exaggerate. But I did ... this one time. Thanks for asking. Hope I didn't burn up some trust.

  3. Sounds like that was LOTS of FUN!

  4. Right up until my daddy's T-bird was swept away.
