Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Three days and two nights at Disney. Mostly Epcot and Hollywood. Some fun stuff. Some interesting stuff. Some not so much.


There's a chip at the bottom of all the soft drink cups at the resorts that keeps track of how many times you've refilled the cup within a certain time frame. You're limited to three refills in one hour and after that you're cut off.

Surface temperature at Disney 100+ rising up from the walkways. The macadam parking lots were much worse.

At Epcot the intro ride which created a glimpse into your future based on questions you answered while taking the ride incorporated pictures taken of Mike and me while on the ride, superimposed on stick figures of us. Unexpected fun. Pretty much like Jib Jab.

We saw the Indiana Jones live show (which I participated in around 1988) and had a neat movie ride through some famous films (Wizard of Oz and Alien to name two). Also went on an unexpectedly neat ride in the Norway pavilion. I've got some videos of the first two, but still having trouble posting them here.

Kennedy Space Center tomorrow. Meanwhile a few pictures from the last couple of days. (I refused to pay for an internet connection at Disney. This time it was the principle, not the money ... so I'm catching up here.)

In real life, I'm not sure it's possible for anyone to be prettier than the young lady on the right who works in the Norwegian pavilion.

These warriors, the real ones being six feet tall in the tombs of Chinese emperors, are thought by some to each be representative of a real man since each are unique. One tomb even had a "cafeteria" to feed the warriors. A relatively recent discovery in 1974 made by some Chinese farmers working on their field is beyond staggering. Exploration of it has hardly begun -- but it has been mapped out. The underground "tomb" for this emperor (Qin, I think) extends for 22 square miles. That is NOT a typo on my part. Imagine trying to do that even today.

From what I read, this is a thrill ride. Sure seems elaborate for that ... even for Disney. I took their word for it as a merry-go-round is pretty much my limit for such devices. I believe there is a 12 story near freefall contained within.

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