Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chattanooga TBK

The Chattanooga Choo Choo, a visitor's center with lots of neat things to explore and several great restaurants.

Chattanooga from the top of the Incline Railway.

The enormously sad and unfair Trail of Tears began not far from here.

The longest pedestrian bridge over fresh water in the world (there may be one other qualifier) seen from Coolidge Park (not named after Cal), one of the better public parks we've seen on our journeys.

The above taken at City Cafe in Chattanooga -- a tiny, hard-to-find restaurant connected to a Day's Inn on MLK Blvd downtown. The Salmon Monte Carlo I had could have made four big meals. (Doing my best, but not going crazy, I ate less than half. That part, the waste, isn't good.) And the deserts ... well, just look at the pictures.

We're in Chattanooga. Went on two hour riverboat tour. Fun and informative ... more so than most. One quick item before I forget.

We all know the southern expression y'all or yawl. It came up in an interesting combination while Mike and I were out to dinner.

Our server was attending the table next to us. She had two helpers bringing out their food. She asked about taking away some of their plates to "make room for all yawl's dinner." Maybe yawl had to be there, but it got my attention.

A most unusual house along the Tennessee River near Chattanooga. Other houses reminded me of those nice ones around Lake George.

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