Friday, September 30, 2011

U.S. A1A

The Atlantic Pacific Coast Highway. The Atlantic off northern Florida and Georgia is prettier and bluer than I remembered. There are so many houses of enormous size and others that are simply joyous celebrations near the sea that I wonder if this country isn't in better financial shape than is often advertised.

We must have passed by 5,000 houses worth many millions of dollars (some far, far more) in 100 miles ... and tens of thousands worth half a million or more. Anyway, it boggles my shriveled brain.

We got very lucky to see a school of dolphins, porpoises, or orca. Again I have video and will try to post in on YouTube later.

WWII coastal watch tower from where we saw the dolphins/porpoises/orca.

I expected surfers on this beach not far north of Daytona.

Entering St. Augustine from the south. I believe this is the historic Flagler hotel. Google Flagler sometime if you want some interesting reading. He built a railway to Key West, among other things. A UVM graduate has a one man show about him in St. Augustine ... or did two years ago.

All of the houses are different along A1A. Many have clever variations of "widow's walks." That said, this one doesn't, but it is a fairly representative house of the thousands we went by.

Most are hard to photograph because of vegetation, gates, sand dunes, and walls.

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