Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fog, rain, gloom, dark of night, hail (maybe?), misleading highway signs, hydroplaning, and misdirection by On Star (the last a desperate and prolonged attempt to send us 50 miles out of our way) ... failed to stop us from arriving only three hours late.

We're off to dinner at a super Amish homestyle restaurant.

Gettysburg Thursday???

Help! Rain. Rain. Rain. Constant flood warnings. Actually constant more severe and widespread flood warnings.


  1. Tell us about the meal and the experience. I assume it was family style.

  2. I should be writing so much more. My apologies. It was family style at Good'n'Plenty where we ate last year. Great fried chicken, beef, pickled things, potatoes, corn, homemade lemonade, beans, ... lots more. And scrumptuous desserts. It was very quiet there that night because of the flooding. We sat and shared food and conversation with a couple from Michigan and a young man from Malaysia. As we were leaving the rain picked up violently. A small stream was rolling off the parking lot into a side vegetable tent along the restaurant. A big drain well positioned in there could barely handle the flow and the adjoining gift shop was threatened. Prior to that my brother and I had a long conversation with three women workers in the shop ... mostly about Vermont and leaf peeping. One woman had lost her husband two years before to diabetes. Anyway, she came out to say goodbye as we were timing our run through the rain. She started crying and I gave her a long hug. Not as unusual a scenario on our trips as one might think.

  3. Oh ... I forgot to mention the saltine cracker pudding. For all the world you'd think it was a vanilla pudding of some sort. I bought a book that contained the recipe there last year. I'll try to remember to post it when I get home. (I bought the book solely for that recipe -- it's that good!)

  4. have you tried the recipe?
    Sounds weird (saltine cracker pudding?) But something my Mom might have made :-)

  5. Not yet. Should have. But I've had it twice in two years at the restaurant and it was delicious!
